Meet the Team



North San Diego Inland FCA

Our Team

Russ Douglass

Area Director

Support Russ

Russ has been on staff with FCA for ten years and has served in multiple roles in the county.  He now serves as the Area Director for the North San Diego Inland Area which covers the cities of Escondido, Valley Center, Fallbrook, Bonsall, Ramona and Julian.  Growing up as a multi-sport athlete who didn't attend church, he sees the opportunity FCA provides to reach young people for Christ through sports.  Russ places a high emphasis on networking and partnering with the local churches and is Kingdom minded in his approach.  The opportunity to build bridges between the local churches and the schools is key to developing a healthy community.  Feel free to reach out to Russ to see how you can become involved in your city.

Sue Walters

Board Member

Sue Walter, "Born on D Day", is the eldest of three and is the mother of a boy and a girl. Sue graduated from SDSU with a 4-way degree before girls were allowed to play intermural sports. She finished her teaching credential and taught 37 years in junior and senior high schools. Sue is now retired, and is in 6 or 7 leadership roles. Her home is open to anyone who needs a meal or a bed. (67 people housed so far). Sue met Russ at Trinity Presbyterian Church back in 2008, and he became a son to her. She is pleased to sponsor his ministry and serve on his board since its founding in 2016. 

Katelyn Dunckel

Administrative Assistant

Katelyn just graduated Grand Canyon University where she played college softball and served in her local FCA team on campus. She has been involved with FCA in high school and the entirety of her college career. She uses her sport and FCA as a means to reach others with the Gospel and grow in her faith through community and Gods Word!

Support Katelyn


Chace Steeves


Chace Steeves is an Associate Pastor at North Coast Church in Fallbrook. His wife Chelsey and him grew up in Fallbrook and love doing ministry in their hometown. Chace loves FCA and used to be on staff full time as an area representative in Fallbrook and Bonsall. FCA will always have a place in his heart as he was a part of FCA at Fallbrook High as a student and now his oldest son Mason is a part of FCA at his middle school. He is grateful that although his position has changed, he still gets to wear the uniform and play on the team! He is  privileged to be the Spiritual Advisor for Russ’s board as well as fill an advisory position for the staff in Fallbrook & Bonsall. 

Support Chace

Jed Gaudet


The Gaudet fam, established in 2016, founded by Jedidiah and Audrey, followed shortly by the arrival of their daughter Milana and soon thereafter their son Callahan, reside today in Temecula, CA along with their 2 furry feline friends, Rosita and Rusty. They are your typical family, who enjoy the simple pleasures in life such as Sunday afternoon movies, feeding the neighborhood ducks, and their annual trip to Disneyland. When not doing any of the above mentioned, you can most likely find them at their home away from home North Coast Church Fallbrook where Jed and Audrey both work!

Support Jed

Noah Bentz


Noah has been serving with FCA sports coaching and helping kids grow physically and spiritually since the start of 2023. Noah has seven siblings and has a growing passion for kids, coaching as well as teaching science. Since studying business and ministry at the University of Mary-Hardin Baylor Noah loves to work in fields that combine ministry and the practical as well. In addition Noah will be starting a new FCA huddle for Endurance athletes, looking to bring the Lord to those participating in sports such as ultra-running, triathlons, cross country, biking, swimming and more!

Allison Britton


Allison (Allie) is currently attending Grand Canyon University for a degree in teaching. She loves family, friends, and serving the Lord. She has played basketball, various equestrian sports, and soccer. She loves being outdoors because it reminds her of how amazing God’s creation is! Staying active and spreading God’s word are huge passions for her and FCA combines both! 


Devon Mitchell

Area Rep.

Devon serves as the Escondido Representative for the San Diego Inland Area. Devon played various sports such as basketball, baseball, cross country, and track & field growing up but in college was known for being a Spikeball Coach. Devon was first introduced to FCA by his middle school math teacher and then served as President for FCA in high school. Devon was a participant at Total Athlete camp in UCLA in 2014 and since then has committed to pursuing the Lord through youth and sports. Devon works for FCA because he wants to invest in the next generation and create intentional relationships within the community of Escondido. Please reach out to Devon to find out how you can get involved.

Support Devon

Dennis Beede

Board Member

As a former three sport athletic in high school the Lord blessed Dennis with a high school coaching career of over thirty-
years. As a freshman & junior varsity football coach along with being a varsity softball coach he was able to demonstrate to his student athletes what the FCA values look like on and off the field of competition. His passion is for the student athletes who are growing up without a father figure or who are at risk.  He uses his the platform of sports and FCA to lead them to our Heavenly

Skye Grayson

Board Chair

Skye's believes his purpose is to bring the light to his community by empowering others to be the best versions of themselves. He has been involved with the FCA formally since 2021. During that short time he has had the privileged to witness how the ministry is actively meeting the needs of students and his community. He has personally witnessed how it has impacted his own family by creating fellowship for them while participating in a hectic student athlete schedule.


Seth Leichtfuss


Seth serves with FCA to bring the love of Christ to the community of Valley Center. He really enjoys being able to use sports to connect with the kids he serves because it’s a fun way to look at how to strengthen their character and purpose in the way they compete.

Support Seth

B.B. Carlson

Board Member

Briggitte Carlson (“B.B.”) is a wife, mother of three, and an attorney. She supports FCA because it’s meeting kids where they’re at (school, playing field) and it reaches all kids, even the ones that don’t look like they’re in trouble. She wants kids who might be keeping it all together on the outside, but falling apart on the inside to know God loves them. FCA gets that message into them. And for the kids that already know Him, FCA helps keep God front and center in a busy world. FCA is saying to them that God is not just for Sundays. God’s at school and on the playing field. That’s why B.B. supports FCA. 

Rob & Robin


Board Members

Rob and Robin are excited to join the FCA team as board members. FCA has played a significant role in their lives over the years. They’ve been married 43 years (high school sweethearts, graduated from EHS in 1979) and have been blessed with 4 children and 10 grandchildren (so far!).

Rob’s 40-year career as a high school teacher and coach has been a joint venture for the Gilsters. After meeting Jesus in high school through the influence of his Christian coaches, Rob felt led to become a teacher and coach himself. Throughout their careers, Rob and Robin have worked as a team ministering to youth, with FCA being a great platform to bring Jesus to the high school campus. In addition to FCA’s focus on youth, the Gilsters have appreciated FCA’s support of Christian coaches and their spouses so they can carry on the work for Christ.

Recently retired, Rob and Robin look forward to their support role of FCA. They also look forward to spending more time with their family and friends!

Team Ramona/Julian

Upcoming Events and Highlights

Currently we are looking to start additional huddles and serve this area through FCA. For any questions or for more information about current events or service opportunities in the Ramona and Julian areas--contact Russ Douglass.

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